Sunday, June 15, 2008

Your dream car of racing

Go-Audi is place to post your views and comments explicitly in the forum. You views are most welcomed as they help to improve the forum in terms of quality and to keep everyone aware about Audi. The site encourages newly registered user to get introduced proudly in the Say Hello section. The site is very friendly and well organized to cater the needs of the users. The section names Other Car is an interesting section, it speaks about the car which are not built with Audi. You can drop in your questions here. You get a lot of information regarding other car. If you have any questions related to other car, you can very well drop in your questions so as you could get a lot more information on the question you had about other car. Then another interesting section is Audi Videos. This topic speaks about the videos related to Audis, racing, interview and about off topic. You can come to know a lot of information related to videos, accessories, etc. Brand news is an interesting column where you come to know or post any latest news, information, about new concept, and even interestingly rumors. So, I think it is time for you to get quickly registered to know about the latest news in the automotive industry. The column Design is one of those of its kind, which explicitly so cases your design skills to the world. You can post you comments or design to help the designers to use design skills in Photoshop or anything. Tech column is an important column where you can gain knowledge on technical aspects regarding you car and even your loved Audi would face. So it is very necessary to have a look at this column and can even post of the technical knowledge you would have. The entertainment column has all the ingredients to amuse you. You can share any thing which would entertain others and with the right community to share and enjoy. Off topic is a column meant for you car junkies and post as far as you need.

The other section tells about the Audi models which are available in the market place. This is really excellent to come to know about the Audi models. The models available with Audi are Audi A2, Audi A3, Audi A4, Audi A5, Audi A6, Audi A7, Audi TT, S car model line; RS model line, Allroad model line, Audi R8, Audi Q5, Classic Audi.

The column Audi Reviews talks about computer fuel systems, dealerships, car accessories and many more. The computer and fuel system column talk about the accessories, the fuel consumption, hints about fuel usage. Dealership speaks or is more informative on bad or good about the dealership experiences. Dealing column is very informative on how to ride bike, you can post your biking experience so that other can be aware and know information of things you experienced. The interior column is very useful to get know about the interior accessories such as seat belts, seat covering, the perfume to keep car perfumed, the sun roof etc. You can post your suggestion if have any or even you can post question on which you have any doubts.

The exterior column talks about the exterior parts that are used outside the car. People here post about the question or concerns they have on the car exterior parts. You post your views about your experience so people can share your experience and benefited. The electronics column has the privilege to hold views about peoples experience on the electronics goods or accessories they use on their car. Another forum called Racing/Recreational which talks the car efficiency to ride on off roads. Steep and strip column talks or share views on car racing trends and capability participating in any of the street races.

So it time for you people to get registered with For more information and registration at

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